Prayer For a Watch

Are you sometimes intimidated by technology ?

I wanted to get an Apple Watch, but I wasn’t sure whether I had the skills to get the watch to work. I ordered one anyway.

On the day it arrived, I unpackaged it, and prayed for the Lord’s help. He reminds us in John 15:5, that without Him we can do nothing.

On the second day I managed to attach the strap.

The third day was spent studying YouTube videos on how to set up an Apple Watch.

By the fourth day, the watch was running ! It is a great help in monitoring my fitness levels, and I’m still exploring all of its all amazing features. Technology can be a great help as we age, if we are able to be patient as we learn how to use it.

Just as I needed to use a slow and steady learning method to figure out this watch, I’ve needed to use the same method to learn spiritual lessons.

God understands our individual learning styles, and knows how to draw us increasingly closer to Him, if that is our desire.

For me, I need so much repetition, and some of the lessons that God has been trying to teach me are the same ones I’ve been struggling with for years.

Nevertheless, we know that our Father is a patient teacher, and always desires to draw us into closer relationship with Him, through Jesus, as long as we are teachable.

Photo by Sally

39 thoughts on “Prayer For a Watch

  1. I can relate to your slow and steady approach to your Apple watch. I just upgraded my Samsung galaxy tab to a bigger model with more features since my old one was starting to show its age. I cheated though Sally, my son did all the technical stuff. I am sure that God’s guiding hand is involved in your watch and my tablet, He knows our needs very well.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. As I read, I thought about the children’s story of the tortoise and the hare. Folks who simply plod along, consistently moving toward their objective, often fare better than those who rush in without proper planning. Congrats on your new Apple Watch. I love mine!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Good analogy with your watch. Good slow learning is the best kind I think and repeat if often, or better yet, use or learning a lot. when learning a new language they relate it to a sticky ball. With each thing you learn you apply it to your ball of learning. It layer sticks to the the before layer and pretty soon you got a big ball of learning to draw from. Same works for your watch.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Marla !
      Amazingly, my ability to be patient has grown over time.
      I recently read a quote from Joyce Meyer that I like :
      Patience is not only the ability to wait, but also how we behave while we are waiting.
      I agree with you – “simple” is best. 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi !
      Thanks for your input.
      Your comment inspired me to read more about Generation Z.
      Interesting too that the generation after yours will be called Generation Alpha. 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I had never thought about getting such a watch until I read your post. Just yesterday I went to get a battery change for my face for watch that I’ve had many years and discovered I couldn’t because of mechanism was not working in it. I sent out a prayer for what God wants me to have and lo and behold, I am now bringing a “Sally-watch” in prayer to our Father because of you whose name means “Princess” and “Beloved.” Thank you for this post and for being faithful to watch and pray for the body of Christ giving us your substance.
    God bless you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ah, that is very sweet, Michele.
      The watch can do some amazing things.
      I’ve been checking my blood oxygen levels on it, and also my heart rhythm.
      Hope God will guide you to the right watch.
      Yes, Sally means ‘Princess’ in Hebrew. Thanks ! 🤗

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